Here's What's Happening at UBC
Check Out Our Most Recent, Jam-Packed
Monthly Newsletter
We're About Jesus and His Kingdom
A Church for the Less-Than-Perfect
We take the word "family" seriously here. On most Sundays we remind everyone that anyone who walks through the doors of our church is an instant family member--no longer are they visitors. As a family we gather to worship the God who saves us, trust his Son Jesus Christ for grace and acceptance, and lived empowered by the Holy Spirit to serve all people, regardless of stigma or category, to the glory of Almighty God. We love to sing together, pray together, learn together, grow together, serve together and of course, eat together (after all, we're Baptists!).
Families spend time with one another, care for each other's best and encourage each other to fulfill one's God-given potential. That's family--and that's Jesus' vision.We're proud to be free and faithful Baptists, supporting and affirming Christ's freedom through his Holy Spirit ("The Four Fragile Freedoms" by Walter "Buddy" Shurden). We are Christ-followers who believe wholeheartedly in giving to missions and participating in missions; after all, we are called to live out the mission of serving one another in love (Matt. 28:19-20). Therefore we spend much of our year giving generously to mission efforts which promote God's Kingdom reign so that we might bless the poor, the hungry, the widow, the orphan, the homeless, the neglected, the persecuted, the abused, and the outcast.
We laugh a lot and don't take one another too seriously. But what we do take seriously is Jesus Christ and his passion for caring for our UBC family and for our community (both local and abroad), demonstrating compassion and generosity for all people. We are unapologetically less-than-perfect; we hope to add more imperfect people to our bunch, reminding one another that we don't have it all together. And that's ok...our God's got it together! In fact he brought everything together in Christ Jesus. And God's gift of grace in Jesus must be our focus, not only here at UBC, but in all of God's set-apart, local churches: "For it is by grace [we] have been saved, through faith--this is not of [ourselves], it is the gift of God" (Eph. 2:8, NIV).
So worship and serve the Lord with us. You're welcomed--just as you are.
So get to know us. You'll be nurtured--just as you are.
Bring your hopes and dreams, as well as your messes. You're loved and accepted--just as you are.
This is the Way of Jesus, and we'd like, by God's grace, to imitate his Way.
Would you like to worship with us?
We'd love to serve you, and hopefully serve alongside you one day soon!
UBC Vision Statement:
We are broken and forgiven followers of Jesus called to know God and make Him known in our communities and in our world; a family where everyone is nurtured and loved.
UBC Mission Statement:
Christ has commissioned us to reach out to nonbelievers with the life changing message of Jesus while encouraging believers to become fully devoted followers of the Savior. (ref. Matt. 28:19-20)
UBC Core Beliefs:
We are Christ-centered, Bible-based,
and Ministry-focused.
UBC Core Values:
WORSHIPOur purpose is to glorify God the Father, Honor Jesus the Son and live in the power of the Holy Spirit through Prayer, Praise, Stewardship, and sharing the Word.
(Matthew 22:37; John 4:23)
SERVICEWe believe that each believer has received a spiritual gift(s) and should offer these gifts in service to others, as good stewards of the grace of God.
(1 Peter 4:10; Colossians 3:17)
COMMUNITYWe are committed to being intentionally involved with others in supportive, encouraging relationships, seeking in every way to love others as Christ has first loved us.
(Hebrews 10:24-25; 1 John 1:7)
COMMITMENTEach member shall be a witness for Christ in the world, a shining light, a transformer within society, and a reconciler in a culture of conflict. This covenant shall be lived out in our daily lives.
(Matthew 5:16-18; Ephesians 5:8-10)
DISCIPLESHIPIntentional participation in relationships with others at different levels of spiritual maturity is essential. While we provide many occasions for growth and formation we place a higher priority on the value of relationships. Jesus shepherded his disciples, even as we, his disciples today are called to mentor and be mentored by others.
(Deuteronomy 6:4-9; Philippians 3:12)
UBC Motto:
"Every Member a Minister"
Sunday Morning Social, 9:30am-10am, Fellowship Hall
Sunday School, 10am-10:45am, various classrooms
Worship, 11:00am, Sanctuary and online/livestream (Facebook page)
Mathetes Adult Bible Study, 5:45pm-6:45pm,
Fellowship Hall & Online
(Livestreamed on Church Facebook Page)
Children and Youth, TBD, Educational Wing
Choir Rehearsal, 7:00pm, Choir Room
Pastor: Rev. Dr. Will Watson
Admin. Assistant: Jon Thomas
Minister of Music: Beth Godwin
Pianist: Lynne Spach
Would you like to learn more about our church? Please fill out the "Contact Us" form at the bottom of the page and we'd be happy to help!
Missions News
Important Dates, Events, and Mission Opportunities in our Community
UBC Clothes Closet
The United Baptist Church Clothes Closet will serve the community on the 3rd Saturday of each month (unless otherwise modified/cancelled). They meet on the 3rd Saturday of each month from 10am-1pm. Our thanks to our UBC family for your support of this local mission. God bless the Clothes Closet in 2024!
Crisis Control Ministry
Neighbors helping neighbors at Crisis Control Ministry at (336) 724-7453. Services are provided on a first come, first served basis. To view the 2024 Gift of the Month please click on the following link: https://www.crisiscontrol.org/ways-to-give/foodgift-of-the-month.html
Click the "Watch Here" button below to watch Video Worship Services and listen to Sermons via our Facebook page. Then, scroll through the Facebook Newsfeed to watch the worship service and listen to the sermon by the date, sermon title and scripture referenced in each Facebook post.
Livestream Archives
*Livestreamed or Recorded Video Worship Services and Bible Studies*
Pastor's Blog
Grab a cup of joe, sit back and relax, and reflect with me at the intersection of Jesus and the Kingdom of God.
February 1, 2025December 1, 2024November 13, 2024More PostsMinistries
"Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly
as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom..." Col. 3:16
Serving through Missions
A Call to Serve the church and the local, national and global community
- Living Touch Circle -- Many of our UBC ladies meet together on the second Tuesday of the month to engage in missions activities and projects which bless the community, especially those in need. They also care deeply for one another in the Circle. They meet the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm. Click the Contact Us tab to ask questions or receive more info.
- United Baptist Men (Brotherhood) -- Our United Baptist Men are on mission to serve God and his people; they enjoy fellowship, preparing events and doing acts of service in the church and for the community. They meet the 2nd Monday of the month at 6:30pm. Click the Contact Us tab to ask questions or receive more info.
- Sonshine Mission Group -- This group of ladies began as a Sunday School class and by the Spirit's design began living out their faith and their love for Jesus through mission work and projects in the community. They meet the 2nd Saturday of the month at 11:00am. Click the Contact Us tab to ask questions or receive more info.
- Young at Heart -- This group of senior adults meets for two purposes: 1) create and enjoy fellowship meetings/events with fellow Christ-followers; 2) serve the needy/hurting in the local community. They meet the 1st Friday of the month at 11:00am. Click the Contact Us tab to ask questions or receive more info.
Youth and Children's Ministries
Growing in Christ and sharing his love with others
At UBC, we like to create intergenerational opportunities for children, youth, adults and senior adults to connect with Jesus and serve him. One of the integral pieces of this intergenerational strategy is spiritual formation. As a church family, we seek to grow in the knowledge and application of God's Word through the Spirit. As we worship, engage in Sunday School and Mathetes Bible study, and serve our community together, our young people see that they are an invaluable and necessary blessing to God's work in and through our church. Our young people learn from our adults and our adults learn from our young people. Through Youth Moment devotions to Vacation Bible School, we seek to build up our younger generation in the safety and support of Christ-centered fellowship. Contact the church to learn more.
Music Ministry
Exalting the Name of Jesus through Music
- Congregational Worship -- Sunday mornings we gather to praise the name of Jesus Christ through song, prayer and word, led by our music minister. While we enjoy singing traditional hymns of praise, we also honor God through a contemporary praise song from time to time. Additionally, vocal and piano solos, duets and ensembles provide musical worship to our Lord during the Sunday 11am hour.
- Adult Choir -- Our adult choir ministers to God and congregation most Sunday mornings, singing anthems which seek to praise and honor our Savior. Our music minister leads the choir and rehearses with them on Wed. nights. Our adult choir also prepares special music for Easter and presents a Christmas Cantata during Advent. The adult choir meets each Wed. night at 7:00pm in the choir room. All are welcome to join! Click the Contact Us tab to ask questions or receive more info.
Mathetes Bible Study (Wed. Nights)
Submitting to the Work of the Christ through the Holy Scriptures
- What is it? -- "Mathetes" is a Greek word that means "student, learner, pupil, follower". We aren't merely suggested by God to read and study the biblical text but instead to allow the Jesus of the scriptures to form us, challenge us and call us to greater obedience to him. Our relational, Christian-calendar based studies are facilitated/taught by our Pastor and those in attendance engage the text through shared questions/responses which happen in-person and online via livestream on our church Facebook page.
- How do I attend? -- Our Mathetes Bible Studies begin every Wednesday night (unless otherwise stated) at 5:45pm and last about an hour. Our Mathetes Bible studies can be attended in-person in our church fellowship hall or accessed line in real time using livestream technology (CLICK HERE). If you have any questions, call the church during office hours at 336-924-2771 or email us at unitedbapchurch@gmail.com.
Check out our calendar to see when and where we are meeting to worship, fellowship & serve!
Contact Us
We're very much looking forward to hearing from you and hope to see you soon! Contact us by providing your name, email and message below.
5815 Murray Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27106Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 9am-12pm336-924-2771
© 2021 - Current